Film Premise
It follows the life of a young girl with a syndrome that we have created based off a variety of existing syndromes such as Alice In Wonderland, Capgrass and Cortard syndrome. It starts by appearing as a drama displaying the struggles that she has to go through living her every day life and how her syndrome affects her relationships with friends/ family. However as the film progresses it develops into the thriller/ horror genre as it is made clear to an audience that her brain is affected far worse than it first appears and her desire to harm those around her with limited remorse becomes increasingly evident.
First ActEverything appears niceA girl is shown doing normal daily activities
- Park with boyfriend/ friend, having a picnic? Playing catch?
Slow editing speed, brightly lit high key shots with a large use of colourHappy but haunting music. Starts light and simplistic but becomes increasingly creepierPossibly have a female singing voice throughout the first act/ trailer? Singing Ring around the Rosies, sounds innocent at first but with creepy undertones.
Second Act
Things start to take a turn, quick flashes to display her trauma are intercut between happy moments, highlighted by changes in lighting and colour
Change in music, gets more intense with added drums
Scene of her telling her mum, "I don't know why I'm like this", can cut to dialogue as voice over
Start to hint at her not being okay mentally
Muttering to herself
Being evasive
Hinting her desire to hurt those around her
Start to show the cause, how she has undergone trauma at a young age, possibly from a split with her parents
Third Act
See a family member (Aunt talking to mum), the Aunt tells the mum "I think she's got something wrong". Mum defends girl to Aunt, tells her to back off, that she has no idea what is going on leads to family disputes
Editing speed increases, shots get a lot darker as they show how badly his mind is affecting her life, her quiet muttering to herself becomes yelling, she get's paranoid all the time, thinks everyone is staring at her and out to get her.
Mum finally realised something is wrong with her daughter from seeing her diary filled with thoughts of hate, cuts to girl walking into the room, carrying knife, then cut to black and voiceover of mum saying final line.