- Almost every shot is very carefully framed. Lots of centre framed shots to portray DiCaprio as the main character.
- Lots of camera movement. Lots of stabilised handheld camera.
- Slow in act 1 despite lots of drama and effects - shows that in this world, that sort of thing is fairly normal.
- Remains slow at the start of act 2 but speeds up rapidly and stays rapid for act 3 - this conforms to trailer conventions.
- Anamorphic 2.35:1 aspect ratio creates a very cinematic feel
- Contrasting colours - outside is brown but lots of inside shots (especially after act 1) are very blue. Inside shots with other people in are also yellow/brown.
- Intertitles begin in act 2, essentially replacing the V/O as the narrative device.
- A heavy emphasis on special effects throughout - this shows that the target audience of the film is not necessarily focussed so much on a good storyline but more a good cinema experience.
- Ends with CGI city becoming title - reflects opening CGI city WB logo.
- V/O narrates the trailer, but is dialogue as V/O. This helps to show the audience the story because it is otherwise not clear what it is
- The music begins with a series of loud booms (apparently known as "The Inception 'BRAAAAM'). This is the first film to do this and has since been used dozens of times by similar films.
- The music consists of low drones topped with dramatic, heavily rhythmic music. Violins build towards act 2.
- Big boom ends act 1. 'I have to steal it' ends V/O.
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